Tailored Financial Products for the Bereavement Sector
We are GFD. As an established financial services institution, we specialize in offering financial products tailored for the bereavement sector. Our knowledgeable experts are committed to supporting your growth, reducing administrative burdens, and honouring the unique traditions of your community. With our products, you can provide comfort and peace of mind to the families you serve during difficult times.
Switching to GFD has been an excellent choice for our family business. GFD provides a solid foundation to build our preneed program around. The team at GFD are responsive to our needs and work with us to personalize our marketing. The back end tools for our staff are easy to navigate. We’re thrilled to be partnered with GFD to continue to grow our business.
Bradd, Yates Memorial, Parksville, BC
Our family-run, independent funeral home has worked with GFD since 2013. They provide us personalized, prompt, and caring support for trusts and more recently, insurance. Their professionalism is very welcome.
James Reid Funeral Home, Kingston, ON
We have always been grateful for the professional, friendly, and exceptional service that the GFD staff have shown. All staff are available to chat, to support new pre-need programs, answer questions and help us through any of our year-end reports. They are understanding of the unique needs of our industry and the perfect choice for all pre-need funding options.
PX Dermody Funeral Homes, Hamilton, ON
I called GFD looking for support and ideas for an upcoming project. I was immediately connected with Lisa Palmer, and she was there for me every step of the way. It was refreshing to speak with a knowledgeable and seasoned professional who is and has been in the industry. She knew exactly what I needed and how to accurately answer my questions.
Marie, Malcolm, Deavitt & Binhammer, Pembroke, ON
I am impressed with Guaranteed Funeral Deposits (GFD) and its new digital infrastructure's ease of use. It's always great to see a company's efforts to improve their services to their customers.
Mac, Martyn Funeral Home, North Bay, ON
We switched to GFD Canada’s insurance product, FPC in 2020 and have improved our bottom line. FPC not only pays competitive marketing allowances & commissions but, my employees are no longer waiting on-hold (for up to an hour) to get payouts on policies that have matured. Payouts are received in a week or so, not months as we experienced with other providers.
Jason, Everden Rust Funeral Services & Crematorium, Kelowna, West Kelowna & Penticton, BC
Our team appreciates the fact that GFD is able to provide us with real-time information at our fingertips, helping us get the information and figures we're looking for at a moment's notice.
Emily, Smith’s Funeral Homes, Burlington, ON
I have had the pleasure of working with GFD since first being licensed in 1985. Throughout the years, GFD has provided industry leading assistance to funeral homes and funeral directors in all areas of pre-need. Heather Kiteley and the team have greatly assisted us with obtaining excellent rates of return on both Insurance and Trust investment vehicles as well as superb assistance with marketing.
John, Ashburnham Funeral Home, Peterborough, ON
I first became familiar with GFD back in 2000 when I started working at a funeral home that was a Member. The concept of Membership was so different from the client relationship I was used to at the bank. With GFD, we as Members have a say. We are part of an organization that succeeds only when the people they serve succeed.
Bill, Denning Funeral Directors, Strathroy, ON