Visionary Professionals.
A Proven Leader.

Focused on Serving the Bereavement Sector

Established in 1961 by a group of passionate and dedicated bereavement service professionals, GFD has been a progressive partner in the bereavement sector for over 60 years. We are committed to the growth and vitality of the Canadian bereavement sector and dedicated to helping the public understand and pre-plan their last wishes. Our knowledgeable experts offer stable investment approaches while ensuring accurate and easy administration, monitoring, and exceptional Member support. By serving our Members, GFD is committed to providing solutions to promote and secure their future business.

Interested in membership? Connect with our team for more details.

  1. 1960's

    Service First

    • The Funeral Society of Ontario (today, GFD) was incorporated as a fraternal benefits society in 1961 by a group of innovative and forward-thinking funeral directors who recognized the social need for the proper conduct and administration of pre-need services.
    • The original objectives of the Funeral Society of Ontario: “…to assure the provision of a proper funeral service for each of its members upon death…”
    • Members at that time were everyday people who could purchase a certificate of insurance from the Society entitling the holder to “all items normally furnished by a selected Member funeral director…”
    • The first certificate is sold to Gertrude Allen on April 3, 1962.
    GFD Graduating Class fo 1969
  2. 1970's


    • As pre-need funeral planning grew in popularity in Ontario, the Funeral Society of Ontario recognized the necessity for a product that would provide consumers control over their funeral arrangements without increasing the administrative burden on funeral homes.
    • In 1971, the Society launched its revolutionary group annuity product designed to invest and administer pre-need trust deposits.
    • This new product was pivotal in expanding the Society’s reach across funeral establishments in Ontario, growing its assets to 10M by the end of the decade.
    1970s typewriter and phone
  3. 1980's

    Trustworthy and Generous

    • With pre-need regulation still on the drafting board at provincial policy level, consumers remained at risk of losing funds due to theft, fraud, or bankruptcy of funeral homes.
    • In 1982, the Funeral Society of Ontario announces full voluntary restitution of all trust funds lost to 50 depositors (families) in the community of Kincardine, Ontario, due to an incident of theft.
    • This confirms the Societies commitment to lobby for increased consumer protection relating to pre-paid funds in Ontario and the beginning of formulating a key provincial policy that would shape the industry for decades to come.
    yeah team
  4. 1990's


    • Three decades after its inception and after significant consumer protection advocacy, GFD is enshrined in the Ontario Bereavement Act and Regulations.
    • The Ontario Bereavement Regulation is amended to allow for funeral homes to invest prepaid funds with an eligible depositary through an Ontario Fraternal Society – formalizing GFD’s current regulatory structure in Ontario.
    • This decade marks further product diversification with GFD launching a new insurance product.
    • Assets under administration grow to over $100M.