Thursday May 16, 2024

11am – 5pm

Richmond Hill, ON

63rd Annual General Meeting

Created by the sector, for the sector.

Since 1961, GFD has been leading the way in simplifying financial product offerings for the bereavement sector. The founding Members of the Funeral Society of Ontario (today, GFD), defined the original objects as follows:

“…to assure the provision of a proper funeral service for each of its members upon death…”

On May 16th, 2024, we continue that commitment.

Please join us and share in your success and hear how GFD will continue to stay anchored in the tradition of the sector while leading and charting the path for expansion.

Hotel Location

The 2024 GFD Annual General Meeting will be hosted in Richmond Hill, Ontario at the Sheraton Parkway North Hotel & Suites.  A discounted rate for the evening of May 15th is available.


GFD is happy to host a comprehensive itinerary for the 2024 Annual General Meeting with registration beginning at 11 am, followed by a Member Appreciation Lunch, Annual Meeting, national research report, panel discussion and Keynote Speaker.

Official Documents

If your establishment is a Member of GFD, you can get access to all the official documents including: annual report, slate of Board of Directors, financial statements and meeting minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting. (You will need your NetSuite username and password).